Puppies Puppies
(Jade Kuriki Olivo)
Jan 28-Jun 5, 2022

Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo), One year performing outside (Stonewall)(protests) 2020-2021. Courtesy the artist
Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) is the second recipient of moCa’s biannual Toby’s Prize. Named after philanthropist Toby Devan Lewis—one of moCa’s long-standing Board members—the prize supports the artistic practices of five artists over a 10-year period. Puppies Puppies’s early conceptual works were created under a pseudonym that avoided specificity of gender, origin, and individualism. Beginning in 2018, the artist embarked on a new series of work that coincided with the beginning of her transition to Jade Kuriki Olivo. Throughout her multilayered practice is a commitment to the rights of Black, Indigenous, People of Color, transgender, gender non-conforming, two-spirit+ communities. The artist is the first to share the Toby’s Prize experience, inviting artists Jerome AB and J.J. Adams to create new works for two simultaneous solo exhibitions opening in January 2022. Her project at moCa also includes the development of a new film and the creation of her first publication, published in collaboration with Remai Modern in Saskatoon, Canada, and Kunsthaus Glarus in Switzerland.
Toby's Prize is generously supported by Toby Devan Lewis.